Smart door lock, why do we need one?

- Existing digital door locks are vulnerable to trespassing; convenient, but is it actually safe?
- Digital door locks, frequently used in households and offices, are convenient for easy entrance without having to carry around a key, security, however, is easily compromised by a simple trick such as use of wires, electric shock device, taking a peak at the password while someone gets in, and prying open the door with a lever.

- No digital door lock in the world can prevent a forceful intrusion.
- In the absence of the house owner, no door lock that can prevent the forceful intrusion into the house. Existing door locks are in fact merely ‘convenience strengthening devices’ rather than ‘security strengthening devices’ to enhance safety.
To prevent the occurrence of crimes, an actual ‘security strengthening device’ is necessary to detect and respond to any intrusion in advance.
The IoT Digital Door Lock prevents intrusions with ulterior motive in advance.

- IoT Digital Door Lock of Woosung High-tech Co., Ltd. is a ‘security strengthening device.’
- IoT Digital Door Lock of Woosung High-tech Co., Ltd. allows the house owner as well as the manager to identify any attempts of intrusion in advance and quickly respond to any possible crimes by checking the images and various messages sent in real-time.